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Monday, March 14, 2011

With Friendship....All Things Are Possible

Friendship is born at the moment
When one person says to another
"What! You Too?"
"I thought I was the only one!"

Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures
Without friends
Even the most agreeable pursuits
Become tedious

Angel of Friendship

I don't need words to express...
I don't need tears to shed...
I don't need to ask for a smile...
Or a hand to hold me...
All I need is...
To be your Friend Forever...

With Friendship....
All Things Are Possible


  1. your friendship post is beautiful :)

  2. You are right ..life would not be good without friends ...even our blogging friends. They have so much to share. Even my pups stick together and love each other. If we watched our fur babies and saw the true caring they have and we were all like they are it would always be a good day :)

  3. Awesome post Connie... How true it is. Without our dear friends life would be pretty tuff sometimes...

    Thanks for being my Friend!!


  4. Love the pictures and phrases. So true! Friends are priceless not matter where they are.
    Thanks for being mine, it means so much.
    Country at heart
